Mouse Keeps Connecting and Disconnecting in Dead By Daylight Problem - Solved!!

Hello everyone, hope you all are doing well. So are you still playing Dead by Daylight? I do. Though I am playing it for few months. While streaming it in Twitch also, for past few weeks, I was unable to stream because I had this weird problem. When fixing generators or trying to unhook someone, My mouse kept getting disconnected. Oh lord what should I say, I got so angry. I thought my mouse is dying probably. But when playing other games, there is no such problem. But in DBD, the problem kept happening again and again and again. Image taken from - Immediately started searching on Google to get help. Some of them said - If you don't have a stable internet connection, this can happen. Some said may be mouse is old or maybe it's the port, maybe it's the RAM or maybe it's the game. Make a fresh install of the game and it's going to work well. I applied all this tr...