Earn Money From Your Gaming YouTube Channel Other Than Adsense | Brave Browser
Hello everyone, This is not the usual type of post I actually write in here. But it can be helpful if you have just started a Gaming YouTube channel or any other YouTube channel or a Twitch channel. We all know that you can earn money from YouTube after you complete the basic criteria of 1k subscribers and 4k watch hours in 365 days. Then you get accepted in YouTube partner program and starts earning money from Adsense. But, today I am going to share with you another opportunity to earn money from your YouTube channel. There are lots of ways people already mentioned as you can find it on google or elsewhere. But in most cases, I felt disappointed but this one I am going to talk about, I actually started earning from it and it is fun. So what is the way to earn money from your YouTube channel other than Adsense? Well, the answer is - Brave . You have any idea? Brave is a browser, similar like chrome. Now how can you earn money from it? I am going to share you everything step by ste...