Earn Money From Your Gaming YouTube Channel Other Than Adsense | Brave Browser

 Hello everyone, This is not the usual type of post I actually write in here. But it can be helpful if you have just started a Gaming YouTube channel or any other YouTube channel or a Twitch channel. We all know that you can earn money from YouTube after you complete the basic criteria of 1k subscribers and 4k watch hours in 365 days. Then you get accepted in YouTube partner program and starts earning money from Adsense. But, today I am going to share with you another opportunity to earn money from your YouTube channel. There are lots of ways people already mentioned as you can find it on google or elsewhere. But in most cases, I felt disappointed but this one I am going to talk about, I actually started earning from it and it is fun.

So what is the way to earn money from your YouTube channel other than Adsense? Well, the answer is - Brave. You have any idea? Brave is a browser, similar like chrome. Now how can you earn money from it? I am going to share you everything step by step here. 

You are going to earn in cryptocurrency while using brave. Here what wikipedia says about the browser - " Brave is a free and open-source web browser developed by Brave Software, Inc. based on the Chromium web browser. It blocks ads and website trackers, and provides a way for users to send cryptocurrency contributions in the form of Basic Attention Tokens to websites and content creators. "

This browser is really good, it blocks ads and trackers of any website you visit. And you can earn BATs(Basic Attention Tokens), a type of cryptocurrency, which you need to contribute to other websites or content creators. Or you can hold it. But sharing is most important in Brave Community. 

Just go and install the brave browser right now. Then enable the Brave Rewards program by going to the options, brave rewards section and click the enable button. If the ads option is disabled, enable it to receive ads.

 In this way, you are going to start receiving ad notifications of brave.

 And you are going to get paid in BATs for viewing those ads. 

Now, after you make some BATs, to do the transactions, you need to create an Uphold account. Uphold is a digital wallet. Create the wallet and verify it with brave and all the BATs you earn going to be sent to your uphold wallet. From there, you can withdraw all the money you earned to your bank account or transfer in other wallet exchanges.

That is the one way to earn BAT tokens. Now how to earn money from your YouTube channel using brave? Well, you have to search for the Brave Publisher Program. After you installed the Brave browser, search Brave Publisher Program and sign up there and become a creator there. You'll see you can add your YouTube channel, website, github account, reddit account there. 

When you add your YouTube or any other of your account and verify it, anyone who is watching your YouTube channel from Brave browser and like the video, he can find out by clicking on the triangle icon at the top of the browser just to see if you are a brave verified publisher or not. They can tip you directly from there. Also, other brave users who enabled auto contributions monthly and watches your videos or visit your websites, you are going to earn some BATs too. 

If you receive any tips, you can see all the transactions in the Brave Publisher Dashboard.

You get paid what you earned in a month on the first week of the next month. Apart from the ads, you can also get paid by using the browser daily, there are some auto wallpapers that shows up in the browser, for which you earn something too. Brave comes with inbuilt ad blockers program, which blocks ads in the website or YouTube. In case you want to see ads on YouTube and support other creators by watching it, you can disable the ad blockers by going to the Brave shield icon in the right of the location address bar, where the brave rewards triangle available, click on the shield for the particular site, and disable it.

At first I thought it's hard luck. Cause I get like 2k views on my YouTube channel daily, which is nothing at all. But the thing is, joining brave doesn't cost you anything. Earn or not, there is nothing wrong to use the browser and also submit your channel on the Brave directory. I never thought am going to earn something because, I am from India and the chances of people going to watch my videos really low. If you are from U.S, then you are going to earn fair amount of BATs per month. It depends on the locations on how much you are going to earn because of the ads sponsor. In most of the images I added here, you can see I already earned some BATs there from ads and also from YouTube.

If you are new to the crypto world, you need to start learning a bit before you jump into this program. You can also install brave in your mobile and can also earn Brave tokens in there. Brave also have a referral program, but they are not accepting any new users in the program for now. In October, 2020 they changed the rules of their referral program. The community is becoming huge day by day. Becoming a part of the community won't effect you or your creative properties anyway. So must try this program and have fun.

In case you have any questions, you can ask me directly in the comment section. I'll try to answer and clear any doubts you are going to have regarding this. 


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