How to Shake off Zombies in Resident Evil 4 in PC

Hello Everyone,

Today i am going to tell you how to shake of the zombies specially the Regeneradors in resident evil 4 when playing the game in PC.

Check the Video here to see how this working in PC with Keyboard.

This game came out a long ago, but the challenging missions and some difficult keyboard bindings made the game difficult to play. And it's obvious many people going to play this game in upcoming days. I have searched for this answer several times but didn't find any proper answer to shake the zombies off when playing the game.

The best part is i beat this game without shaking them off. Though the game is really hard but still i was able to finish the game without shaking them off. 

It was so irritating when I played it for the first few times. When Ganados or other zombies or Regeneradors grabbed Leon, then a symbol appeared which looked like i have to shake the mouse hard to get them off . But that didn't really worked for me. So one day i decided to test all the keys to get rid of from the zombies when they are biting or grabbing Leon's neck . 

Shake off Sign in Resident Evil 4

After trying nearly an hour, i discovered the exact keys to shake them off. I played with the default settings given in the game. 

ctrl key is 1 

F is 2

Enter is 3

Left Shift 5

Right Shift 6 

For walking and running, i used the right side number pad in my Keyboard. Number 8 is to go forward , 4 and 6 to turn left and right and Number 5 Key is for walking back.

Any idea which key worked? Pressing the 4 and 6 key rapidly solved the problem. And after finding that answer, i played the game again. There are also keys like A & D , Left Arrow and Right Arrow key, using them rapidly when the shake off options appears on your screen also going to work. 

Shake off Zombies in Resident Evil 4 with These Keys

Point is the keys you are using to turn Leon left and right , press the keys repeatedly to shake off the zombies.

If you still didn't know that yet, Well now you know. Apply it and comment here if this works for you.  Enjoy Playing Biohazard 4 .

Watch the full Walkthrough of Resident Evil 4 in 1080p HD quality without commentary here-

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