How To Overclock Your GPU RX 550? Problem Solved !

 Hello Everyone, hope you are doing good. Now today I am going to show you how to overclock your GPU, specially the one I got, RX 550. First I tried to overclock my GT 610 a long time ago and I lost the GPU, may be the GPU was old and also maybe I have done something bad. I was sure that something bad can happen, lacked confidence that time, and guess what? It did happen and since then I was afraid to overclocking. But a few days ago I changed my mind and bingo, it worked.

I have a sapphire pulse rx 550 GPU, if you have read my other posts you know that. I saw that in the raedon driver software, there is an option called Overclock GPU. I got a little boost in my mind after I saw that the graphics driver itself actually offering this method. So why not try this? I have read a lot of time whether overclocking a GPU is good or bad. So if you still afraid about overclocking or don't know, then here is the answer - 

* Overclocking can not damage your GPU if done properly. You need to be very careful while trying this. Now, you should not try overclocking your brand new GPU. Cause if it goes bad, then the GPU warranty may get void. Also you are pushing the limit of the GPU, so it can do the damage in a long run. If you have the money to buy the next GPU, then carry on with your overclocked GPU. Or else it's better not to try. 

Are you worried? Well don't be. Use overclocking for some days and technically that's not going to do much damage. Usually if you push the limit of the GPU, and continue running the gpu like that, then yeah, the thermal paste is going to dried soon and then your GPU may gave up his life. But, also your GPU won't have any problem if you have proper cooling system present in your PC and also you have air condition in your house, which make your GPU run a lot cooler. 

Anyway, so let me show you how I overclocked RX 550 - 

* I opened my Raedon Graphics Driver software. Then go to Performance tab, then select the option tuning, and then you are going to see two option - Tuning Control and Auto Tuning.

** Now, to overclock your RX 550 GPU automatically, select the option Overclock GPU in the auto tuning section. Once you click it, its going to show a warning message, and at the bottom of the message, you are going to see the option - Proceed. Hit proceed and you are done.

After proceeding, it'll show how much your GPU is optimized. The default RX 550 GPU clock speed is 1071 MHz. After overclocking, it increased to 1131 MHz. This is how I automatically overclocked RX 550 GPU with Raedon Driver Software.

Now, to push the limit of your GPU manually, or to overclock the GPU manually, just follow the next steps - 

** In the tuning control section, click on manual.You are going to see a list with different option showed up - GPU Tuning, VRAM Tuning, FAN tuning and Power Tuning. 

** Now you can see most of the options are disabled there. Enable every single option. This is how it's going to look like after enabling every option.

 Don't mess with advance control, in case you know how to deal with it, you can go on. In advance control, you can set up a different profile with minimum and maximum control of your GPU speed. But I'd suggest not to do that as the possibility of losing the life of your GPU increases there if not done carefully. 

** Increase the fan speed by setting the minimum acoustic limit to 1000 MHz, or you can actually go to in advance control only in the case of fan because Fan has an important role here. So you might need to increase the speed of it to make the GPU stay calm.

** Increase the GPU clock speed as much as you want, the limit of the frequency is 0 - 30. So make it 25 if its your first time and hit apply.  Make the power limit full. Just to stay out of any kind of power related issue.  After increasing the limits of clock speed, fan speed and power limit, you can hit the apply button and its going to work without any problem. In case your PC shuts down and can not take it, next time try to increase the GPU clock speed slowly.

** The most important part is VRAM tuning. Now VRAM tuning is a little problematic. It can cause your PC crash. So you have to be really gentle when pushing the limit of this one. VRAM frequency range is 1500 MHz to 2000 MHz. So try to increase the speed slowly, like 1550 first, then 1600, then 1650 and so on and do not forget hit the apply button every time you increase the frequency . See if you can reach the 1800 mark. If it crashes before reaching the desired mark, you have to do all the process as the graphics driver resets all the settings. In my case, I reached 1700 MHz in the case of Memory Clock speed.

If your PC handle it well, then congrats. You can actually enjoy the games a little bit more faster than before.

Overclocking is safe if done properly. Now do not cross the limit, do not expect that you can make your GPU perform like 1080ti or 2080ti by pushing the limit of it. As long as you are in limit, I don't think you are going to face any problem. Now just in case you want to get back to the default settings, there is a reset option available. Click on it and your default settings will start working.


Thanks for reading my blog. Feel free to ask any questions that comes up on your mind in the comment section. Here is call of duty performance video after overclocking - 


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