Which One Is Better for Streaming as a Beginner - YouTube or Twitch? Let's Find Out

Hi, hope everyone doing good. In here, I share my personal experiences. I can be right or maybe wrong, but the choice is always yours, whether you follow my words or not. Today I am going to talk about my personal experience on YouTube and Twitch. Which platform is better if you just started streaming. Let's find out. I have been on YouTube since 2008 I think. And I started streaming on Twitch from the past few months. Though I created my account a long time ago. Let's see what it takes to be eligible to earn money from this platforms - Youtube :- It takes 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours watch time to become a partner in YouTube. Twitch :- It takes 50 followers, stream for at least 8 hours, 3 average viewers on your stream, and stream on 7 different days to get into the Twitch Affiliate Program. To become a Twitch Partner, you need to have 75 Avg viewers on your live stream, with at least 25 hours of stream time and stream on 12 different days in past 30 days. So these...