
Epic Games Next Mystery Game on 24.12.2021 - Confirmed !!

 Epic games is giving away exciting games this year. They are offering 15 games in there recent giveaway as Mystery games. Each mystery game is getting unlocked after 24 hours. We already got the 7 mystery games. It'll end on January 4th, 2022. These are the games we got so far -  Mutant Year Zero - Road to Eden Second Extinction (December 21) Loop Hero (December 20) The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (December 19) Remnant: From the Ashes (December 18) Neon Abyss (December 17) Shenmue 3 (December 16) Epic games always give us the hint on what will be the next mystery game in the picture. This time we can see in the current picture there are Bats everywhere. So, I am sure that you already guessed what game is going to unlocked tonight. It's definitely going to be Batman game. Probably Batman Arkham Knight. Though we already got most of the Batman Games except from  Batman Arkham Origins. And also Epic many times unlocked a Mystery game which we already got before, just like Remnant f

Which One Is Better for Streaming as a Beginner - YouTube or Twitch? Let's Find Out

 Hi, hope everyone doing good. In here, I share my personal experiences. I can be right or maybe wrong, but the choice is always yours, whether you follow my words or not. Today I am going to talk about my personal experience on YouTube and Twitch. Which platform is better if you just started streaming. Let's find out. I have been on YouTube since 2008 I think. And I started streaming on Twitch from the past few months. Though I created my account a long time ago. Let's see what it takes to be eligible to earn money from this platforms -  Youtube :- It takes 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours watch time to become a partner in YouTube. Twitch :-  It takes 50 followers, stream for at least 8 hours, 3 average viewers on your stream, and stream on 7 different days to get into the Twitch Affiliate Program. To become a Twitch Partner, you need to have 75 Avg viewers on your live stream, with at least 25 hours of stream time and stream on 12 different days in past 30 days. So these are t

How Much You Can Earn From Twitch Ads? Let's Find Out

 Twitch is a fantastic platform to showcase your skills. And we all know twitch offers a lots of features, a lots of ways to earn money from the site. I am in the basic level of Twitch right now. I got into twitch affiliate program a month ago and since then I researched a lot about Twitch ads and how it works. And I am going to share it to you all. So how much you can earn from Twitch ads? Let's take a look what twitch says -  I think it means you are going to earn $3.5 per 1000 views. Twitch ads doesn't work like YouTube. You get paid more when someone clicks on your ads on YouTube. But in Twitch, the only way you are getting paid through ads is how many users are watching it. Forget 1000, getting 10 viewers on Twitch is hard as hell. For each ad Twitch shows in your stream, and if your viewers watches it, you are going to earn $0.01 in the beginning ( that's what I am getting now) . So you just calculate how many viewers you need to earn decent amount of money. You must

Copying Files Freezes Computer Problem - Solved !!

Hello Everyone, hope you are all doing okay. If you are having this problem, then I am sure you have already searched it and read a lot of posts about it. But all those fixes, check for bad sectors or stop program using alt-ctrl-dlt are just lame ideas honestly.  I lost 2 of my hard drives. I have been called in many occasion to fix a PC and I tried those basic methods, each and every command and steps available in internet to find bad sectors. I have seen a lots of HDD die in front of my eyes, and those commands or any commands that checks whether your storage memory has bad sectors or not, never worked for me. Never. I tried and it showed me always 0 bad sectors. And then after few days the hard disk died completely. You can always try the basics in case it detects the problem for you. Basics like - checking disc error from chkdsk command or SFC/Scannow etc. Sure its going to work for some. But for me, I am not into the basics anymore. Because losing the data hurts a lot. Trust me. I

What Happens After You Become Twitch Affiliate | Let's Find Out

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog. It's been a long time since I posted something here. Recently I started gaming on Twitch, just wanted to see if I can do something over there or not. After one month of streaming, I ended up with an opinion, let me tell you the whole story. So I got really excited when I got into the twitch affiliate program, felt like Jack from the movie Titanic screaming at the age of the ship - " I am the king of the world". I don't want to say any bad words but let me tell you straight, it means nothing. Absolutely nothing. Its just a mental satisfaction. Let me tell you this again, getting into twitch affiliate program means nothing.  Now, don't come up with your strawberry world to me protesting my words by saying things like - "no you are wrong, you get affiliate you can start earning. People can donate you or can cheer you." Just stop okay. If you are asking this questions then you are a small creator, actually you are. Isn'